Short walk in Stockholm

Short walk in Stockholm

Went out on the streets of Stockholm to catch some new shoots in the beautiful weather. The summer 2012 will go into the history as one of the coldest for as far as temperature measurements have been taken in Sweden… Anyway, this day was perfect! Tourist...
Stenshuvud nationalpark

Stenshuvud nationalpark

This day was spent at a small beach near Stenshuvud nationalpark on the east side of Skåne. Sometimes you find people taking pictures of the most unusual things… …like other people taking their pictures… The sand, sea and sky justs melts together....
Southern part of sweden

Southern part of sweden

Just spent some time with my family down in the southern part  of Sweden, Skåne. Skåne is really the home of green and golden crop fields. In the evening when the last sun hit the fields is sometime magical. So if you got some to over to spend in Sweden it´s well...